Designed to protect minor wounds with a waterproof seal.,Provides soothing breathable protection that promotes healing.,Contains a bitter agent to help discourage licking.
Use Category - Dog
Type - Health Care
Size - 4 Oz
Ingredients - Water Vp/Dimethiconylacrrylate/Polycarbamyl Polyglycol Ester And Vp/Polycarbamyl Polyglycol Ester Sodium Benzoate (As A Preservative) Denatonium Benzoate (Bitter Agent).
Use Category - Dog
Type - Health Care
Size - 4 Oz
Ingredients - Water Vp/Dimethiconylacrrylate/Polycarbamyl Polyglycol Ester And Vp/Polycarbamyl Polyglycol Ester Sodium Benzoate (As A Preservative) Denatonium Benzoate (Bitter Agent).
No Warranty