UPC/Barcode: 031398259343
In the Tibetan Himalayas, young mastiff Bodi (voiced by Luke Wilson) was set to meet his ancestral duties as a shepherd...until a radio dropped by a passing plane introduced him to the wonders of rock and roll. Given leave to follow his dreams of musical glory, he makes his way to civilization and an apprenticeship with legendary rocker Angus Scattergood (Eddie Izzard)...but will there be a price to pay for leaving his flock unprotected? Fun animated feature based on a Chinese graphic novel also features the voices of J.K. Simmons, Lewis Black, Kenan Thompson, Matt Dillon. 90 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
In the Tibetan Himalayas, young mastiff Bodi (voiced by Luke Wilson) was set to meet his ancestral duties as a shepherd...until a radio dropped by a passing plane introduced him to the wonders of rock and roll. Given leave to follow his dreams of musical glory, he makes his way to civilization and an apprenticeship with legendary rocker Angus Scattergood (Eddie Izzard)...but will there be a price to pay for leaving his flock unprotected? Fun animated feature based on a Chinese graphic novel also features the voices of J.K. Simmons, Lewis Black, Kenan Thompson, Matt Dillon. 90 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
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